Towards using adaptive hybrid meshes in fem simulations of flow in artificial heart chambers

Towards using adaptive hybrid meshes in fem simulations of flow in artificial heart chambers

Krzysztof Banaś, Paweł Cybułka, Piotr Macioł, Kazimierz Michalik

AGH University of Science and Technology, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland.



The paper presents an implementation of adaptive hybrid meshes in a FEM code designed for 3D simulations of flow in artificial heart chambers. Special emphasis is put on taking into account moving parts of artificial heart chambers, like valves. Toward this goal a weak formulation for problems with moving boundaries and algorithms for mesh modifications, including remeshing, are developed.

Cite as:

Banaś, K., Cybułka, P., Macioł, P., & Michalik, K. (2011). Towards using adaptive hybrid meshes in fem simulations of flow in artificial heart chambers. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 11(1), 190 – 195.

Article (PDF):


Incompressible flow, Finite element method, Mesh movement, Remeshing, Artificial heart chamber
