Time-saving methods for cafd modeling of the microstructure evolution during solidification

Time-saving methods for cafd modeling of the microstructure evolution during solidification

Andriy Burbelko, Jacek Początek, Daniel Gurgul

AGH University of Science and Technology, Foundry Faculty,23 Reymonta Str., 30-059 Krakow, Poland.




The Cellular Automaton – Finite Difference model (CAFD) is one of the known methods of the simulation of microstructure evolution during the solidification. In the mesoscale CAFD modeling the outer shape of the growing grains is the result of the simulation and do not superimposed beforehand. The solidification of metals and alloys is a typical example of multiphysics and multiscale engineering systems. The phenomenon of different time and spatial scales should be taken into consideration in the modeling of a microstructure formation: heat diffusion, the components diffusion in the liquid and solid phases, the thermodynamics of phase transformation under a condition of inhomogeneous chemical composition of growing and vanishing phases, phase interface kinetics and grains nucleation. Complete numerical solution, that takes into account all above phenomena, are very time-consuming. The ability of acceleration of the implicit scheme of numerical solution was analyzed in this paper by means of the diversified number of iteration in the well-known Gauss-Seidel iterative method. For the accuracy of the proposed numerical solution the results were compared with the known exact solution of the classical one-dimension Schwarz problem.

Cite as:

Burbelko, A., Początek, J., & Gurgul, D. (2011). Time-saving methods for cafd modeling of the microstructure evolution during solidification. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 11(1), 135 – 140. https://doi.org/10.7494/cmms.2011.1.0324

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Lidification modeling, Cellular automaton, Time-saving calculations
