Web service for finite element mesh generator
Norbert Sczygiol, Juliusz Mikoda, Anna Wawszczak
Institute of Computer and Information Sciences, Czestochowa University of Technology,ul. Dąbrowskiego 73, 42-200 Częstochowa.
In this paper, we present a system that could be used for finite element mesh generation for two- and threedimensional domains and an interface that enables use of this system with the aid of a web site. The authoring mesh generator was used for creating finite element meshes. It uses the Advancing Front Technique (for 2D meshes) and the Delaunay tetrahedralization in connection with the Advancing Front Technique (for 3D meshes) used for inner nodes generation. The architecture of presented system was built on the basis of the architecture design pattern Model-View-Controller (MVC). The mesh generator is available with the aid of the interface that is presented in this paper or any other interface created by the user. The communication between View and Controller, based on Web Services architecture, enables use of whichever device and operating system, that provides basic network services. Thanks to complete separation of the View layer, it is possible to use the generator described in this paper inside another engineering application.
Cite as:
Sczygiol, N., Mikoda, J., & Wawszczak, A. (2010). Web service for finite element mesh generator. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 10(3), 176-180. https://doi.org/10.7494/cmms.2010.3.0288
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Mesh generator, Delaunay meshes, Finite element method, MVC, WebServices, Advancing Front Technique