Implementation of cellular automata framework dedicated to digital material representation

Implementation of cellular automata framework dedicated to digital material representation

Patryk Spytkowski, Tomasz Klimek, Łukasz Rauch, Łukasz Madej

AGH University of Science and Technology, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland.



Design and implementation of programming framework dedicated to support development of the Cellular Automata (CA) algorithms is presented in the paper. The main objectives is to optimise the framework’s architecture to obtain high runtime efficiency and flexibility. Various types of CA models starting with the simple one like the game of life finishing with the sophisticated models for simulation of physical phenomena can be implemented on the basis of this framework. The framework is combined with specific technology for visualization of obtained results that is based on OpenGL libraries and additionally is optimized regarding specific requirements of the CA method. This part of proposed computer system is described in the paper as well. The calculations of the CA based grain growth algorithm with different types of neighbourhood and space dimensions were performed to evaluate capabilities of the framework. Finally selected results are presented and discussed in the paper.

Cite as:

Spytkowski, P., Klimek, T., Rauch, Ł., & Madej, Ł. (2009). Implementation of cellular automata framework dedicated to digital material representation. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 9(2), 283 – 288.

Article (PDF):


Digital material representation, Cellular automata, Framework, Visualization
