Numerical modeling of bulk metal forming processes with induced strain path change
Łukasz Madej1, Stanisław Węglarczyk1, Franciszek Grosman2
1Department of Modeling and Information Technology, AGH University of Science and Technology, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland.
2Department of Process Modelling and Medical Engineering Politechnika Śląska, ul. Krasińskiego 8, 40-019, Katowice, Poland.
A review of the developed numerical models for simulation of the bulk metal forming processes that take into account influence of the strain path change on material flow is presented in this paper. The strain patch change effect influences many crucial properties of the deformed material i.e. leads to increase in ductility. That provides a possibility of forming materials, which are difficult to form in a conventional manner. In recent years a lot of experimental and numerical research have been done on development of these new non-conventional bulk forming processes. The main advantages and limitations of the modified forging, extrusion and simple compression tests are summarized and presented in this work. Difficulties in development of the complex rheological model that takes in to account both thermal and structural changes in the deformed material are also discussed.
Cite as:
Madej, Ł., Węglarczyk, S., Grosman, F., (2009). Numerical modeling of bulk metal forming processes with induced strain path change. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 9(2), 234 – 240.
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Severe plastic deformation, Strain path change, Heat generation, Micro shear bands