Modification of charge heating technology in industrial furnaces during rails production
Tadeusz Telejko1, Andrzej Buczek1, Zbigniew Malinowski1
, Marian Banach2, Tomasz Zygmunt2
1AGH University of Science and Technology, al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków, Poland.
2The Company Huta Królewska Sp. z o.o, Chorzów.
The paper contains the methodology of the heating routines modification during the production of rails. The modification was aimed at the improving of final product quality combined with the decrease of the energy consumption and keeping the productivity unchanged. The scientific work resulted in the elaborating of new heating routines for walking beam furnaces set at lower temperatures. It was successfully applied in one of the polish steel plants and brought measurable economical benefits.
Cite as:
Telejko, T., Buczek, A., Malinowski, Z., & Banach, M. Zygmunt, T., (2009). Modification of charge heating technology in industrial furnaces during rails production. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 9(2), 183 – 188.
Article (PDF):

Rolling of rails, Charge heating, Mathematical modeling