Fsw of lightweight aluminum structures: lap joint development
Dipartimento di Tecnologia Meccanica, Produzione e Ingegneria Gestionale,University of Palermo, Italy.
Experimental and numerical investigation on the lap joining of 2xxx aluminum alloys blanks by FSW is presented. In particular, the influence of some relevant parameters, both geometrical and technological, is investigated with the aim to maximize the joint strength,. An accurate analysis on the obtained parts and on the numerical results was carried out and the reached results gave important information on the investigated joining technique.
Cite as:
Buffa, G., Fratini, L., (2009). Fsw of lightweight aluminum structures: lap joint development. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 9(1), 123 – 129. https://doi.org/10.7494/cmms.2009.1.0217
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Lap, Finite element method, Tool geometry