Possibilities to include in numerical simulation stochastic and discontinuous phenomena occurring in material
Lukasz Made1, Henryk Pau2, Peter D. Hodgso3, Maciej Pietrzy11Department of Modeling and Information Technology, Akademia Gorniczo Hutnicza, 30-059, Krakow, Poland.
2Laboratory of Plastic Deformation of Metals, Polish Academy of Science PAN, 30-059, Krakow, Poland.
3Centre for Material and Fiber Innovation, Deakin University, 3217, Victoria, Australia.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7494/cmms.2007.1.0138Abstract:
Response of the CAFE (Cellular Automata in Finite Element) model for strain localization describing the stochastic character of deformation of the polycrystalline materials is presented in this work. Conventional models based on differential equations have some limitations in simulation of stochastic phenomena occurring in materials during processing. Contrary, CAFE approach offers a possibility of detailed investigation of those processes. Internal variables are defined for each particular CA cell, however particularly important for the model are variables correlated with stochastic behavior. They directly control transition rules, which describe micro shear bands and shear bands development. A detailed discussion of the advantages given by the developed multi scale CAFE model for strain localization phenomena, confronted to capabilities provided by the conventional FE approach, is a subject of this work. Results obtained from the CAFE model are validated by experimental observations, which show influence of discontinuities existing in the real material on the macroscopic response.
Cite as:
Made, L., Pau, H., & Hodgso, P. Pietrzy, M., (2007). Possibilities to include in numerical simulation stochastic and discontinuous phenomena occurring in material. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 7(1), 162 – 167. https://doi.org/10.7494/cmms.2007.1.0138