Some aspects of information processing and knowledge standarization oriented to the needs of metallurgical industry
Stanisława Kluska-Nawarecka, Grzegorz Dobrowolski, Edward Nawarecki
AGH University of Science and Technology.
Based on the previously published idea of systems with explicit knowledge representation, the paper discusses methodological aspects of design and implementation of an information system narrowly dedicated to metallurgical industry. A kind of a guide how to invent and create components of the system is presented. Done in the form of ontologies, descriptions of the components allow integrating them into a tool needed by a user. The ontologies are to assure both adequacy of a service and proper data transfer among applied components.
Cite as:
Kluska-Nawarecka, S., Dobrowolski, G., Nawarecki, E. (2005). Some aspects of information processing and knowledge standarization oriented to the needs of metallurgical industry. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 5(1), 38 – 44.
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