Application of the artificial intelligence method in modelling of the copper flash smelting process

Application of the artificial intelligence method in modelling of the copper flash smelting process

Agnieszka Śledzińska, Jolanta Talar, Jan Kusiak

AGH University of Science and Technology.



The objective of the work is assessment of the effectiveness of the use of artificial intelligence methods in modelling of the copper flash smelting process. Bayesian Network (BN), Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Expert System (ES) were used in prediction of chosen parameters of the technological process and obtained results are presented.

Cite as:

Śledzińska, A., Talar, J., Kusiak, J. (2005). Application of the artificial intelligence method in modelling of the copper flash smelting process. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 5(1-2), 26 – 32.

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