Surface images analysis in sliding friction process
Zbigniew Rudnicki, Zbigniew Mikrut
AGH University of Science and Technology.
The presented work investigates a possibility of using computer image analysis methods in tribological tests of some PTFE composites, which are often applied in sliding bearings production. The images of friction traces, deposited by tested materials on the steel disk of pin-on-disk tribotester, were analyzed. These traces concerns transfer film – a thin layer of PTFE on the steel counterface which greatly influence on friction and wear processes. Especially the changes of a size and position of these traces were examined at the registered image sequentions. Some methods of segmentation and feature extraction were described. The results were compared with other, earlier obtained. Tribological conclusions were formed.
Cite as:
Rudnicki, Z., Mikrut, Z. (2005). Surface images analysis in sliding friction process . Computer Methods in Materials Science, 5(1-2), 16 – 25.
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