Expert system DAX for design of experiments

Expert system DAX for design of experiments

Zbigniew Polański1, Jacek Pietraszek2, Roma Górecka1

1Instytut Technologii Materiałów.
2Politechnika Krakowska, Wydział Mechaniczny, al. Jana Pawia 31-864 Kraków.



The expert system was developed for design and analysis of experiment DAX-Expert 4.4 (Design and Analysis of eXperiment) – standard implementation for personal computer with Microsoft Windows 32-bit operating system. A base of inference procedure in rule-driven system DAX-Expert is new concept of identifiers for experimental design (ID := DIN, bDIN, key) and identifiers of conditions and target of experiment (IEx := myDIN, keyDIN, xbDIN). System’s knowledge base contains base of rules (meta-rule: IF (IEx = ID) THEN (design recommendation)) and base of designs (720 designs). The interface of the DAX-Expert system makes possible widely commented dialog session and then adaptation of chosen experimental design including export to STATISTICA system. There is possible standard searching of the experimental design base also.

Cite as:

Polański, Z., Pietraszek, J., Górecka, R. (2004). Expert system DAX for design of experiments. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 4(4), 164 – 169.

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