Will after the era of signal recognition and processing begin the era of their automatic understanding?

Will after the era of signal recognition and processing begin the era of their automatic understanding?

Ryszard  Tadeusiewicz

AGH University of Science and Technology.




The paper presents some problems connected with the automatic interpretation and understanding of the content of the collected data of any kind. Author discusses the possibility of application of the methods developed for the image recognition to the analysis of any database. Such approach can be treated as the fifth step of the data processing, after collection of signals/data, filtering of signals/data, analysis of signals, data recognition.

Cite as:

Tadeusiewicz, R. (2004). Will after the era of signal recognition and processing begin the era of their automatic understanding?. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 4(3), 69 – 75. https://doi.org/10.7494/cmms.2004.3.0055

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