Full potential LAPW AB initio calculations in materials science

Full potential LAPW AB initio calculations in materials science

Andrzej Koleżyński

AGH University of Science and Technology.




In this paper, the overview and practical aspects of ab initio calculations using WIEN97 FP-LAPW package are presented. A step by step process of parameters setting and refinement is described in details. The results of the calculations for cubic barium titanate crystal structure, for three different exchange-correlation potentials (CA-LDA, PW-GGA and PBE-GGA) are presented. The obtained binding energy and equilibrium cell parameters from Murnaghan equation of state are compared to experimental and literature data (ab initio calculations results by means of other – DFT and HF methods). The obtained results show good agreement with both experimental and ab initio data

Cite as:

Koleżyński, A. (2004). Full potential LAPW AB initio calculations in materials science. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 4(1-2), 48 – 55. https://doi.org/10.7494/cmms.2004.1.0052

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