Mesh adaptation in finite element modelling of heat transport processes
Barbara Głut, Tomasz Jurczyk, Maciej Pietrzyk
AGH University of Science and Technology.
The paper focuses on the problem of generation of anisotropic meshes and mesh adaptation for simulation of processes using the finite element method. The technique based on the Delaunay triangulation has been modified in order to enable stretching of elements in the selected direction. Application of these meshes allows obtaining a sufficient accuracy of calculations while maintaining the number of elements as low as possible. The proposed approach to the problem of mesh generation and adaptation has been applied to the simulation of the distribution of temperature in the two-dimensional processes of the heat flow.
Cite as:
Głut, B., Jurczyk, T., Pietrzyk, M. (2001). Mesh adaptation in finite element modelling of heat transport processes. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 1(2), 90 – 103.
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