Elimination of volumetric locking in triangular and tetrahedral linear elements. Application to simulation of metal forming processes
Jerzy Rojek1, Olgierd C. Zienkiewicz2
1Instytut Podstawowych Problemółw Techniki PAN, Warszawa.
2University of Wales, Swansea.
The present paper supplements and continues Authors earler work on steady state analysis of heat flow in a non-homogeneous medium. A short survey of theory of mixed boundary-value problem for the stationary Fourier equation in a non-homogeneous medium in any Lipschitz domain presented. For n = 2 and n = 3 finite-element method of solving of this problemn is developed.
Cite as:
Rojek, J., Zienkiewicz, O. (2001). Elimination of volumetric locking in triangular and tetrahedral linear elements. Application to simulation of metal forming processes. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 1(2), 73 – 89. https://doi.org/10.7494/cmms.2001.2.0007
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