Application of artificial neural network to an assessment of influence of residual microalloing elements on mechanical properties of steel products
Roman Kuziak1, Władysław Zalecki1, Jan Kusiak2
1Instytut Metalurgii Żelaza, ul. K. Miarki I 2, 44-100 Gliwice.
2AGH University of Science and Technology.
The work presents some results of the research connected with the development of new approach based on the artificial intelligence to predicting of the influence of residual microalloying elements on mechanical properties of steel products. The training and testing data come from the industrial rolling of sheets, bars and profiles of different steel grades. The ANN inputs are chemical composition of a steel and main parameters of rolling technology. The dependent variable of a model are mechanical properties of rolled products.
Cite as:
Kuziak, R., Zalecki, W., Kusiak, J. (2001). Application of artificial neural network to an assessment of influence of residual microalloing elements on mechanical properties of steel products. Computer Methods in Materials Science, 1(1), 44 – 51.
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